Discover the Little Tricks the Deck Pros use during the sanding & staining stages to make sure a Deck Looks Fantastic and ensure it Won’t Peel…

If you’re about to spend hundreds of dollars on deck stain and cleaning products plus, dedicate days of gruelling labour to get your deck stripped back and ready to stain…

Then what you read here today could save you from experiencing the heartbreak of your deck stain bubbling up and peeling within the first 6 months after staining…

Here’s what you need to know…

This is what can happen only 6 months after staining your deck…

Your Image

This was a deck that I was called to fix up because the home owner had sanded and stained their deck and only 6 months later it started to peel off…

Do you know what caused this?

They didn’t either…

They read all of the blogs…

They followed all of the steps…

They used only the “Best” stains and cleaners…

And their deck stain still peeled!

They spent about $1000.00 on stains, deck cleaners, brighteners, sanding belts, sanding sheets, deck scrub brushes and deck applicators…

Then they called me and paid me $6,800.00 to strip it back and do it all again…

That's just under 8 thousand dollars all up…

The thing is, I know for a fact that they had the ability to sand and stain their own deck…

It’s actually a set of 3 simple steps…

And when I say simple, I really do mean simple…

Anybody can do them…

It’s as simple as starting at step 1 and then step 2, followed by step 3…

It doesn't matter who you are…

This isn’t rocket science…

The 3 steps are…

Step 1. Strip your deck back…

Step 2. Clean it…

Step 3. Put some stain on it…

Simple, right??

The thing is…

It’s what you don’t know about each of the steps that will cause you problems…

It’s what you don’t know that will turn your $500 deck DIY restoration into a 5 thousand dollar fix up…

As simple and easy as sanding and staining your deck is, there’re rules that you need to follow each step along the way…

If you ignore the rules or you simply don’t know them, the “Decking Gods” do not care one bit…

They’ll strike you down with a bad case of Peeling Deck Syndrome like our friend above and there’s nothing you can do once the peeling starts…

The damage is already done…

You’ll have to sand it off and start again…

But, if you follow the rules, before, during and after you stain your deck, you can prevent your deck stain from ever peeling in the first place…

The truth is…

There’s 11 little mistakes you could make that will cause your deck stain to peel..

And you can scour the decking blogs all you want, you’ll never find all 11…

Even if you did, would you know what to look for??

If you miss just one of these steps, your deck stain won’t bond to your decking boards properly and it’ll lead to your deck stain peeling off like a snake…

Or it could be the little blemish that turns into a little blister…

That little blister soon multiples and shows up in patches…

Do you know what happens with deck blemishes??

They fade and flake off right before your eyes…

This is what a little blemish in your deck stain turns into…

They turn the surface of your deck into a blotchy mess…

Your Image

But, it won’t happen straight away…

When you first stain your deck, it’ll look fantastic…

You’ll be so proud of yourself and all of the hard work you put in…

And hey, you didn’t need to fork out thousands of dollars to pay that over priced deck company to do it for you…

But after 3 to 6 months when you start to notice your deck start to show these blemishes, it’s at this point you realise you did something wrong…

When all of your hard work ends up like this…

Your Image

Or this…

Your Image

It’s at this point that I get called in to fix the problem…

And this is what most DIY deck restorers say when they call…

“My husband did our deck himself about 6 months ago and it’s starting to peel. I think I need someone like you who knows what they’re doing”...

Then they say…

“I think I need an expert like you to come and do it properly…

Believe me when I say… This is so far from the truth!!

The thing is, “Deck Experts” will follow the exact same steps that you follow…

And they’ll probably even use the exact same products that you use…

The difference is, that the deck restorer knows the little mistakes that will cause deck stain to peel so he avoids them…

That’s all there is to it…

The thing is, there are 11 of these mistakes to avoid and it’s as simple as knowing what they are so you don’t fall victim to them…

That’s what my latest guide is all about…

It’s called…

“Avoid These 11 Deck Staining Blunders or Your Deck Will Peel!!”

To make it simple for you, I list out the 11 blunders or mistakes to avoid and then you simply avoid them…

You read it, you know what the mistakes are and then you don’t make the mistakes…

It can’t get any simpler than that…

Your deck will look like it was done by a Pro and it will last for years without any type of peeling or flaking…

And you’ll never have to hire any over-priced deck company to do it for you…

The thing is, you need to avoid ALL 11 of these deck staining blunders…

Skipping just one of these fatal mistakes could have your deck peeling off like a snake skin…

So if you wanna know what these 11 blunders are, you should pick up a copy of my new book…

I’ve priced these secrets really low so anybody can have a deck that looks fantastic and won’t peel…

The price is only $11…

See, nice and cheap…

That's $1 per mistake...

The thing is, I know how valuable this information is and the years of costly mistakes I had to make to learn it all…

I also know that the information in this book shouldn't be given away for only $11…

That’s why I’ve decided to make this just an introductory price…

I can promise you that I’ll be raising the price very soon…

I’ll probably keep it at the $11 dollar price for a few days and then raise it to $19 or $29, I’m not sure yet…

I think it’s worth $29 to save you from having to do this whole deck stripping and staining again…

But it’s even better at $11…

And if for any reason whatsoever, you’re not happy with your purchase, I’ll refund your $11…

You can download this valuable book, read it, learn all the mistakes to avoid for a full 30 days from the day you purchase it and if you feel it was a waste of money, you can email me asking for a refund and I’ll give you your money back…

No questions asked…

So jump on this now while I’m still in celebration mode for my first book…

Grab your copy for $11 by filling in the form below…



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