Want me to personally help you with your deck restoration?

If you’re at a point while restoring your deck and you’re not completely sure about what to do next…

Then why not reach out to me personally and I can tell you exactly what you need to do…

You don’t need to guess or hope for the best, when I can simply tell you how to do it…

WAIT! Don’t just call me!!

That’s not how this works…

Here’s the deal…

For $75, you can ask me any questions you have, via email, and I’ll personally guide you step by step…

We’ll email back and forth until you know exactly how to tackle your deck problems…

You can send me pictures and also explain what you’re struggling with and I’ll dig into the dark recesses of my mind and show you exactly what you need to do…

It’ll be like I’m right there with you…

We’ll make a great team, you and me…

We’ll be like Bert and Ernie…

Or Tom and Jerry…

Or Tweety and Sylvester…

Come to think of it, they didn’t get along so well, did they??

Scrap that!!

The point is, we’ll team up and all of my expert knowledge will be automatically passed on to you…

If you want me to help you personally with your decking problems, then here’s what you need to do…

Scroll down to the bottom of this page, fill in the form and pay your $75…

Once you pay for a consultation, I’ll send you a special email with a very secret email address…

This email address is only used for my very special friends that need my help…

Once I send you my secret email address, you can ask me your questions…

Any questions…

As long as you keep it about your deck and its problems…

Don’t ask me if I’m single or how tall I am…

I’m married and I’m a massive 5 foot 9…

Anyway, you’ll send your deck questions and then we’ll email back and forth until you have your problems completely and thoroughly answered…

It could be 2 emails, it could be 10…

We don’t stop until you know how to solve your problems…

Sound good?

Perfect, fill in the form below and let's get to it..

I'll see you on the other side...



Your Image

My Fancy Schmancy Guarantee!

Your Image

My Fancy Schmancy Guarantee!

If, on the off chance, I can’t help you with your decking problems, then I don’t deserve my $75 consulting fee…

In this case, you can most certainly get all of your money back, no questions asked…

All you need to do is use the same secret email that I sent to you and simply ask for a refund…

I’ll deposit it back into your account ASAP!!

So rest assured that when you turn to me for all things deck related, you’ll either solve your deck problems or get your money back…

And you’ll have a full 30 days from the moment you purchase your consultation to ask for a full refund…



Coupon Code

[[coupon_message.text]] [[cart_coupon.text]]

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PayPal selected.

After submitting, you will be redirected to the PayPal website to fill out your payment information. You will be redirected back to our site once the payment is completed.

Apple Pay selected.

Another step will appear to securely submit your payment information.

Google Pay selected.

Another step will appear to securely submit your payment information.

Order Summary

[[checkoutContext.order.invoice.subtotal | currency]]
[[checkoutContext.order.invoice.tax | currency]]
[[checkoutContext.order.invoice.shipping | currency]]
-[[checkoutContext.order.invoice.discount | currency]]
[[checkoutContext.order.invoice.total | currency]] (USD)
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